Source code for flask_arango_orm.arango

"""Main module for flask_arango_orm"""
__all__ = ['ArangoORM']

from arango import ArangoClient
from arango_orm import ConnectionPool, Database
from flask import current_app, _app_ctx_stack

ARANGODB_HOST = ('http', '', 8529)

[docs]class ArangoORM(): """Flask extension for integrating the arango_orm package"""
[docs] def __init__(self, app=None): """Constructor If a flask app instance is passed as an argument, :any:`init_app` is run as well. :param app: Flask app instance :type app: flask.Flask """ = app if app is not None: self.init_app(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """Initializes ArangoORM for use with the passed app instance Sets up the following defaults: * ARANGODB_CLUSTER = False * ARANGODB_HOST = ('http', '', 8529) This should be useful for most development setups :param app: Flask app instance :type app: flask.Flask :return: """ app.config.setdefault('ARANGODB_CLUSTER', ARANGODB_CLUSTER) app.config.setdefault('ARANGODB_HOST', ARANGODB_HOST)
[docs] def connect(self): """Sets up the connection to the arangodb database Uses app configuration for setup, utilizing the following: * ARANGODB_DATABASE * ARANGODB_USER * ARANGODB_PASSWORD * ARANGODB_HOST * ARANGODB_CLUSTER * ARANGODB_HOST_POOL If ARANGODB_CLUSTER is True, then the host configuration is taken from ARANGODB_HOST_POOL, otherwise ARANGODB_HOST is used. :returns: Connection to arangodb :rtype: arango_orm.Database """ db_name = current_app.config['ARANGODB_DATABASE'] username = current_app.config['ARANGODB_USER'] password = current_app.config['ARANGODB_PASSWORD'] if current_app.config['ARANGODB_CLUSTER'] == True: hosts = [] host_pool = current_app.config['ARANGODB_HOST_POOL'] for protocol, host, port in host_pool: hosts.append(ArangoClient(protocol=protocol, host=host, port=port)) return ConnectionPool(hosts, dbname=db_name, password=password, username=username) else: protocol, host, port = current_app.config['ARANGODB_HOST'] client = ArangoClient(protocol=protocol, host=host, port=port) return Database(client.db(name=db_name, username=username, password=password))
@property def connection(self): """Property for storing and retrieving the database connection Stores the database connection in the top of the Flask application context stack, :any:`flask._app_ctx_stack`. If a connection does not currently exist, :py:func:`connect` is called. :returns: ArangoDB connection :rtype: arango_orm.Database """ ctx = if ctx is not None: if not hasattr(ctx, 'arangodb'): setattr(ctx, 'arangodb', self.connect()) # ctx.arangodb = self.connect() return ctx.arangodb